Some women have a magic touch when it comes to exquisite, intimate, and spell-binding relationships. Love, it seems, comes easily to them. They are happy in their own skin, men adore them, and their life is an exquisite adventure. Are you one of them? I know I...
My husband and I were sitting outside a coffee house in Silver Lake, L.A. One of our favorite pastimes: Chilling, relaxing and leisurely working on our businesses. I was preparing for my upcoming School of Love event titled ‘How to Train Your Man’ and I...
If you do, you’ll end up in trouble. How do I know? I have been there. More often than I’d like to admit. I am a relationship coach, mind you. I really should know better. And I do. Yet, there are moments when I just plain forget. Some part of my brain...
Finding Love In Action One of my girlfriends is back on the dating scene. After years of marriage, a painful break up followed by a nasty divorce, she is giving love another try. “Dating in L.A. is tough”, she told me. “I am in my 40s. Most of the girls out...
#4 Ignoring Your Woman’s Wisdom Women are wise, men are brilliant. While men are masters at planning, solving problems, creating innovative systems, and developing strategies, women are wise in a whole different way: We have the ability to...
Mistake #3: Intimidation Finding the balance in a relationship can be hard. While some men try do please their woman to a fault, others like to show who’s in charge by physical and emotional intimidation. If this is something you learned in a family where...