Most people are complainers. Men and women, no exception. It’s not a personal character trait. It’s a habit, a virus we all get infected with.

It’s pervasive and it’s contagious.

To live life to the fullest you have to kick whining to the curb and replace it with a deliciously positive and infectious attitude of curiosity, affection and passion.

Only you can live your life.

Why not knock it out of the water?

You can have it all – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – and it all starts with you. With you taking risks and doing what you love, with you living your adventure, finding your soul mate and truly loving and accepting yourself.

How do you connect with your own inner rockstar, that place where you are simply you?

1. Pay attention to what’s important to you.

Most people are unhappy because they got their priorities wrong. They live in big cities when what they really love is nature. They hold back and act nice when what they truly want is being wild and adventurous.

Take the time to explore and find out what you enjoy in life, the things that are really important to you. Be honest with yourself and pay close attention to your deeper desires.

2. Distinguish your own rockstar qualities.

What are the things that make you special? What sets you apart from others? What are your innate traits and talents? You’ll find these by observing yourself and asking yourself some of the following questions: What do people praise you for? What qualities do they say you posses? What did you like to do as a kid? What activities do you enjoy? What do you do for fun and how do you relax?

It may also be helpful to ask other people about your talents. Part of the reason we have a hard time seeing our own beauty is the fact that we can’t see ourselves for who we really are.


Once you completed these first two steps, the following ones will come easy. I recommend you take your time and don’t rush the process. It’s much like building a house: If you have a solid foundation it will last a lifetime, be deeply loved and weather many storms.

3. Attract your perfect job and / or design a business you love.

Knowing  you gifts and talents will make finding a job or creating a business that fits your needs and passions easy and fun.

4. Find your team.

After you found out what you love doing it’s natural to attract like minded people who want to be part of your game and vice verse. This is when the fun really starts and you can play a much bigger game.

5. Find your soul mate.

You found your calling, you know what’s important to you and you created a job or business you love. If you haven’t already, this is a great time to attract the perfect partner, your soul mate, someone to share your vision and your values with.

6. Create the life you love.

Time to put it all together and design a life you truly love.

7. Love yourself.

Loving yourself comes from knowing what makes you human, surrendering to the ups and downs of life and relaxing into the love that you hold for yourself deep in your heart.

As always, thanks for reading.

Have an inspiration or want to share your thoughts with me?  It’s easy. Just add your comments here or simply write to me. I’d love to hear from you.



Photo Source: Goincase via Flickr under a Creative Commons License