… I beg you … to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in every foreign language. Don’t search right now for the answers, which could not be given...
Would you like to see for yourself how the coaching process works? Now is the time. Join me and David Rodriguez in this new episode of Coach TV LA, filmed in Santa Monica on October 31, 2009. Are you curious to find out what lights YOU up? Check...
#4 Ignoring Your Woman’s Wisdom Women are wise, men are brilliant. While men are masters at planning, solving problems, creating innovative systems, and developing strategies, women are wise in a whole different way: We have the ability to...
Mistake #3: Intimidation Finding the balance in a relationship can be hard. While some men try do please their woman to a fault, others like to show who’s in charge by physical and emotional intimidation. If this is something you learned in a family where...
Mistake #2: Being Too Nice. Many men have told me this: When it comes to their relationship they have a hard time saying no, eagerly trying to please their woman and not standing up to her. This is a double edged sword. Men love women and really, really want to...
Mistake #1: Not Having Weaknesses When I ask men what mistakes they make in their relationships with women they either tell me that they don’t make any, or, that their weakness is to always do the right thing. Hm … Let’s find out what women...