
One of my all time favorite books on writing is Brenda Ueland’s “If You Want to Write. A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit”. It is an uplifting, witty, helpful and supportive book for writers.  Written in 1938, it is still relevant today. Below...
How to Make Your Heart Glow

How to Make Your Heart Glow

It’s that time of year again and while preparing for Christmas, I couldn’t help but think that the most precious gift we can give to each other is to live our lives with an open heart. Happiness is a skill we are all born with. Keeping it alive in a...


On a day when I am crushed by the feeling of overwhelm and trying to relax the tight knot in my stomach, I stumble across Steth Godin’s new ebook: What Matters Now and find this entry:   EASE   “We are the strivingest people who have ever lived....

Quote: Every Day is the Best Day in the Year

“One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly, until he knows that every day is Doomsday.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson...
Why Women Don’t Listen to Men

Why Women Don’t Listen to Men

If you are a man in a relationship with a woman you may have experienced this scenario: Your significant other tells you about a problem she’s facing and after thinking about it for a moment, you tell her how to handle it. Case closed. As you may have noticed,...
What Lights You Up?  Life Coaching in Action

What Lights You Up? Life Coaching in Action

Sometimes what we want is not what we need to be happy.   A few years ago a client came to me and told me that what she wanted most was a relationship. She was very successful in running her own business and somehow the romance department had been taking a back...