Mistake #2: Being Too Nice.


Many men have told me this: When it comes to their relationship they have a hard time saying no, eagerly trying to please their woman and not standing up to her.

This is a double edged sword. Men love women and really, really want to please them. Yet, if men turn into push-overs it’s the beginning of the end. Will women test your determination and will power? You bet! The paradox is, we want you to stand your ground and put some force into the relationship, however, we will challenge you all the way there. If you can’t show your strength, we will lose respect for you.

By the way, this goes both ways, much like a dance. At the beginning of a relationship, after the initial infatuation wears off, both partners try each other out. How much can we rely on each others power and strength? It’s part of building trust and it is a real fine balance.

The best cure for the ‘nice game’ for men is to have something to do that is so engaging and exciting that you simply don’t have the time to always be around to be pushed around.

Do you have questions about this? Or comments? As always, I would love to hear your point.

As always, thank you for reading,



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Photo Source: Tiago Ribeira via Flickr under a Creative Commons License