Chemistry. I believe that strong chemistry is vital for intimate relationships. I also believe it is the magic ingredient for all other areas of life. According to Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., chemistry is a mix of non-judgment, similarity, mystery, attraction,...
I talked to a woman the other day who works for a small business agency. They help people start their own businesses. What she told me was interesting. She said that most people aren’t struggling with writing a business plan or coming up with a smart marketing...
I told you about my end of the year ritual and, as you may have guessed, I also have a ritual for Easter. In the spirit of the holiday it has to do with leaving behind what’s outgrown, identifying the parts of your life that need a ‘rebirth’ and...
Not too long ago, I turned 50. I remember thinking, wholly-molly, life is going by pretty fast ten years before that, when I turned 40. Now, it’s not so much about life going by fast or not. It’s about enjoying every minute of it doing what I love:...
I have been writing about positive communication and its impact on life. Today I want to share a game we created in our family to put this into action. Over the past few weeks, for some reason or other, our family had gotten into the habit of fussing about stuff. Our...
It’s hard to see your life for what it really is. It’s even harder to see yourself for who you really are. You can look in a mirror and see your image, your outside appearance. But how do you go deeper than that? How can you look right into your soul? To know...