Are you on your life’s path? Of course you are. You are always on your path … How you travel it is what makes all the difference. According to Caroline Myss, author of the fabulous book: Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential, we all have a...
I talked to a woman the other day who works for a small business agency. They help people start their own businesses. What she told me was interesting. She said that most people aren’t struggling with writing a business plan or coming up with a smart marketing...
“Anything worth doing is worth doing now!” – Ralph Stayer I talk to women every day who want some sort of change in their lives. Some of them have no idea what that could be, others do but aren’t sure what steps to take. And some know exactly...
It’s hard to see your life for what it really is. It’s even harder to see yourself for who you really are. You can look in a mirror and see your image, your outside appearance. But how do you go deeper than that? How can you look right into your soul? To know...
From my last post I got several questions about goal setting, specifically the process of finding goals that truly light you up and turn you on. Here is a simple exercise that I use to help with flushing out the goals that are important to me. Exercise: For one week...
Let’s ditch New Year’s resolutions. Since most people drop theirs before January is over, why not think about what’s really important to you and do that instead? Ask yourself: What is so exhilarating a goal that it takes your breath away? What...