The One Thing I Don’t Like About My Job … If there’s one thing that I don’t like about my job, it’s this: out of 10 people I work with, only two or three take the steps that are necessary to bring about the change they want to see...
For the past few weeks I have been working on upgrading and re-designing my business. Or, let’s say I have been on a quest to re-discover my true voice. What brought this on was a sudden reluctance to getting back into my life as I know it. This wasn’t...
“As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.” – Mahatma Gandhi I watched a silly movie the other day about a flippant young woman in New York City who re-lived Christmas Day over and over again. This was a girl...
The secret of life is enjoying the passing of time. How you spend each day determines your level of happiness. If you design your life and your business in unison with your values and your passion, you can enjoy a wonderful lifestyle. If you simply drift along, you...
Have you ever experienced an instant, a split second, that made a lifetime? Maybe you decided to get married, have a baby, run away from home, quit smoking, or sail around the world? Sometimes those moments just seem to happen upon us. Surprise encounters that show up...
In my last two posts I talked about the unproductive games we play in our lives and how they keep us from getting the love and happiness we all want. For most of us, playing one game or another has been a life-long habit and it will take awareness and practice to...