Service Is an Incomplete Word

I was reminded of Michael Gerber’s new book, the E-Myth Enterprise when I was out shopping this morning and receiving the cold shoulder treatment in almost every store I visited: Uninspiring environment = unhappy employees = bad customer service = unhappy...
In Times of Change – Trust What You Love

In Times of Change – Trust What You Love

“Hysteria is the dominant theme of our society today.”  Deepak Chopra “People are afraid of change and yet the fact is that change is the most dominant theme of our civilization: We have more change in one day than we have in centuries in previous...
The Entrepreneur and Coaching

The Entrepreneur and Coaching

Guest post by Isabel Parlett, owner of Parlance Training. Every entrepreneur needs a coach. An ambitious athlete wouldn’t dream of going into competition without one. If you take your success (and your well-being) seriously, you’ll want the competitive edge that a...