Change Your Words. Change Your Life.

Change Your Words. Change Your Life.

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein In his newest book “Taken” (L.A. crime of the finest), Robert Crais writes about a young woman walking her dog. The dog is strong and the...
Why Men Don’t Say I Love You – And What To Do About It

Why Men Don’t Say I Love You – And What To Do About It

Men show their appreciation through achievements, women through words.   In one of my seminars a woman asked, “How do you know how much a man loves a woman? They certainly don’t seem to tell us every day, do they?” I asked my husband the same...
Delighting Yourself by Serving Others

Delighting Yourself by Serving Others

In today’s world changes happen so fast that its hard to keep up. The old way of doing business is crashing, new rules are being established, and if we want to understand them with our old thinking and communication habits we won’t be very effective. How can we...
How to Develop a Positive Attitude

How to Develop a Positive Attitude

The reality you experience is a mirror image of your expectations.” -Deepak Chopra One of my very good friends shared a story from his life with me one day. He told me about a time when nothing was working out for him. He had gone from job to job, getting more...