What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

While writing my holiday cards next to our lavishly decorated Christmas tree this afternoon, I had a flashback to a time when I was maybe ten or twelve years old, addressing envelopes to a mysterious yet fascinating pen-pal in California. I vividly remember receiving...
Sometimes It’s Good to Let Go

Sometimes It’s Good to Let Go

Do you have days when you wake up already tired? Yesterday was one of those days for me. I woke up exhausted, heavy and felt like doing nothing. I dreaded the thought of starting the work I had laid out for the day and I decided to completely let go and just follow...
Freedom Comes From Living Your Own Life

Freedom Comes From Living Your Own Life

“Being your true self is effortless. You don’t have to convince people of who you are. You only have to convince them of who you are not.” -Karin Lehmann Most people live as if their lives belong to others. They leave it up to the rest of the world...
Your Best Life Won’t Just Happen One Day …

Your Best Life Won’t Just Happen One Day …

I was reading an old article in Rolling Stone magazine about Steve Jobs the other day and was surprised to find out that from an early age on Steve was convinced that he would die young. It was something he talked about as early as 17 years old and it gave his life an...
Men Want to Be Heroes

Men Want to Be Heroes

In one of my seminars, a woman asked me, “How do you know how much a man loves a woman? They certainly don’t to tell us every day, do they?” I asked my husband that same question when I got home that evening. “How can you tell how much a man...
Giving Thanks … 30 Days of Gratitude

Giving Thanks … 30 Days of Gratitude

Do you know the best medicine for a crummy mood or a bad day? Giving thanks, hands down. Being grateful and expressing your love will not only lift your mood, it will make you happy, radiant and beautiful. If you look for what you love in your life you will attract...