What Makes You Magnetic? 7 Tips to Nurture Your Essence.

What Makes You Magnetic? 7 Tips to Nurture Your Essence.

  Secrets to Creating Personal Attraction Power!   My husband and I had dinner at a small European restaurant, sitting outside along the sidewalk and enjoying the wonderful warm summer evening. Next to us was an elderly couple with a baby in a stroller. The...
Magnetic Resonance: The Language of Your Soul

Magnetic Resonance: The Language of Your Soul

It’s hard to see your life for what it really is. It’s even harder to see yourself for who you really are. You can look in a mirror and see your image, your outside appearance. But how do you go deeper than that? How can you look right into your soul?   To know...
How to Follow Your Heart

How to Follow Your Heart

After showing you to the Puzzle Exercise last week, I want to give you another simple tool today that will help you in listening to  your heart. How can this make a difference in your life? Most people don’t know what makes them happy. They grow up learning that...