To get your life right you must know your true self. And that can be a challenging endeavor. It doesn’t matter whether you want to create a breath-taking life style, find your ideal partner, or figure out what lights your fire – the first step in...
As a kid, did you spend hours in the ocean never once feeling cold or thinking that you should get out of the water? Or, did you roam the fields and streams in your neighborhood until it got dark; only to be surprised by how much time had passed? For kids, life is an...
When I ask my clients what they are passionate about I often get a blank stare and a shrug: “I am not sure.” If you are in a similar place, if you want to apply yourself to something you love and have no idea what you are good at or what your unique...
19 Years Ago I Did Something Brave. I packed up my Berlin apartment, sold my furniture, bought three suitcases, three airline tickets – and, on New Year’s Eve, I boarded a plane to Hawaii with my two little children. I was following my dream. It was...
I am getting ready for my coaches training program. Every year I take on a limited amount of clients who I mentor in the art of coaching from the heart. The program consists of learning and practicing a set of transformational tools that are designed to connect deeply...
People and their emotions affect us. Whether you are working in an office, sitting in a coffee house, or visiting friends, you’ll be impacted by other people’s positive or negative feelings. Have you ever experienced how talking to someone upset can...