Want a Better Life? Create It.

Want a Better Life? Create It.

The One Thing I Don’t Like About My Job …   If there’s one thing that I don’t like about my job, it’s this: out of 10 people I work with, only two or three take the steps that are necessary to bring about the change they want to see...
How to Make the Holidays Your Own

How to Make the Holidays Your Own

When I was a kid, we spent the weeks leading up to Christmas in excited anticipation, decorating candles, crafting tree ornaments from red and gold foil, baking cookies, singing carols, and lighting a candle every Sunday in Advent. Each morning we opened a small...
How to Fall in Love With Your Future

How to Fall in Love With Your Future

Let’s ditch New Year’s resolutions.   Since most people drop theirs before January is over, why not think about what’s really important to you and do that instead? Ask yourself: What is so exhilarating a goal that it takes your breath away? What...