I am getting ready for my coaches training program. Every year I take on a limited amount of clients who I mentor in the art of coaching from the heart. The program consists of learning and practicing a set of transformational tools that are designed to connect deeply...
“Silence has its own music; it is silence that enables us to see ourselves and the things around us.” -Paulo Coelho Until you know your deepest passion and reason for being, you are free-floating through life. And, no matter how much you accomplish or how...
Most people are so busy to make improvements that they don’t notice that they stepped out of heaven.- Byron Katie Listening to Byron Katie’s book ‘I Need Your Love – Is That True?” I was reminded of the great paradox that can be so hard...
Most people are complainers. Men and women, no exception. It’s not a personal character trait. It’s a habit, a virus we all get infected with. It’s pervasive and it’s contagious. To live life to the fullest you have to kick whining to the curb...
I had the luxury of taking January off to travel, write and visit family in South America with my daughter. The experience was amazing and made me aware of the fact that we are in charge of our own destiny every single day and that the adventures we don’t grasp...
While writing my holiday cards next to our lavishly decorated Christmas tree this afternoon, I had a flashback to a time when I was maybe ten or twelve years old, addressing envelopes to a mysterious yet fascinating pen-pal in California. I vividly remember receiving...