… And Start Doing Stuff You Care About. Ever felt that you are different, weird even and that no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be like anybody else? In today’s post, I am shining a light on why standing out is a good thing and how...
Learn to trust your own voice. Many years ago, I had just started my business and was working hard to get it off the ground, I found myself at a dead end. I had discovered what I loved doing and the money wasn’t following. As a matter of fact, the harder...
The first time I jumped off a high dive… It was a hot summer day in the 70s, I was stretched out on a towel at our local pool, eating ice-cream, and watching my friends jump off the diving board. They seemed to have a lot of fun and I admired their...
As a kid, did you spend hours in the ocean never once feeling cold or thinking that you should get out of the water? Or, did you roam the fields and streams in your neighborhood until it got dark; only to be surprised by how much time had passed? For kids, life is an...
“Being your true self is effortless. You don’t have to convince people of who you are. You only have to convince them of who you are not.” -Karin Lehmann Most people live as if their lives belong to others. They leave it up to the rest of the world...
I was reading an old article in Rolling Stone magazine about Steve Jobs the other day and was surprised to find out that from an early age on Steve was convinced that he would die young. It was something he talked about as early as 17 years old and it gave his life an...