Want to Find Your True Voice? Listen to Inspiration.

Want to Find Your True Voice? Listen to Inspiration.

In one of my previous posts I talked about life dreams – and how the vision for your future already exists within you. The same is true for your natural gifts and talents. They, too, are deeply entrenched in every part of your being. To find them, pay close...
Are You Getting What You Want? If Not, Read This.

Are You Getting What You Want? If Not, Read This.

  Has anyone ever told you that if you are not getting what you want, you don’t want it bad enough? Did you find it encouraging? I didn’t. Years ago, when living in Manhattan as a single mom with three kids, I woke up one morning and realized that I...
Make Your Dreams Come True

Make Your Dreams Come True

“You are the world, and the world is you.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti I was driving along Pacific Coast Highway the other day on my way to meet a client, when I realized that I had carried the dream of this drive in my soul my whole life. In that moment I...
Creating vs. Consuming – The Inspiration Economy

Creating vs. Consuming – The Inspiration Economy

Today I want to share an inspirational thought with you by CoachVille CEO, Dave Buck: “The current economy is based on creating and selling STUFF in mass quantities to people who are thought of as ‘consumers’.  Well, this model is crumbling because...