The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. -Paul Valery In chaos theory the term Butterfly Effect is used to demonstrate the idea that one butterfly could eventually have a far-reaching ripple effect on subsequent events: For example, the flap of a...
“Being your true self is effortless. You don’t have to convince people of who you are. You only have to convince them of who you are not.” -Karin Lehmann Most people live as if their lives belong to others. They leave it up to the rest of the world...
“You always have a choice. It’s whether or not you are able to live with your choices is the question.” -Revenge, TV-Show Sometimes an opportunity comes along and you just know you have to take it. It’s a decision you make in complete unison...
Have you ever experienced an instant, a split second, that made a lifetime? Maybe you decided to get married, have a baby, run away from home, quit smoking, or sail around the world? Sometimes those moments just seem to happen upon us. Surprise encounters that show up...
I told you about my end of the year ritual and, as you may have guessed, I also have a ritual for Easter. In the spirit of the holiday it has to do with leaving behind what’s outgrown, identifying the parts of your life that need a ‘rebirth’ and...