Sometimes Things Work Better When You Do Nothing First

Sometimes Things Work Better When You Do Nothing First

Nothing clicked today. It’s not that I wasn’t prepared; I had the whole day lined out and my to-do list ready. But when I sat down to get to it, things didn’t come out right. Regardless, I pushed on – because there was really quite a bit to do,...
Imagine Life Were Just A Game

Imagine Life Were Just A Game

Do you remember being a kid and spending hours in the ocean never once feeling cold or thinking that you should get out of the water? Or maybe you roamed the fields and streams in your neighborhood only to realize that time had passed because it was getting dark? When...

Interview: Karin Talks About Her Experience as a Coach

Want to find out more about what makes a life coach tick? Watch this episode with Karin Lehmann who talks about her experience of working with people and helping them to change their lives. Enjoy!       Can’t find the video? Watch it on YouTube...
Men like Women Who like Themselves

Men like Women Who like Themselves

Finding Love In Action   One of my girlfriends is back on the dating scene. After years of marriage, a painful break up followed by a nasty divorce, she is giving love another try. “Dating in L.A. is tough”, she told me. “I am in my 40s. Most of the girls out...
Spring Clean(s)ing

Spring Clean(s)ing

I was in the middle of my yearly Spring cleaning when a wonderful newsletter dropped in my mailbox by my friend Mary Hunter Ellegood. I loved what she had to say about this time of year and I decided to share it with you. Enjoy! Mary specialized in Chinese Medicine...
Use Your Gifts to Change People’s Lives, Part 2

Use Your Gifts to Change People’s Lives, Part 2

How to Find Your Gifts and Passions The first step in using your natural talents is to find out what they are. For many this is easier said than done. How do you know when you are using your gifts? What does it feel like? And, what are gifts, or passions, anyway? Here...