How to Follow Your Heart

How to Follow Your Heart

After showing you to the Puzzle Exercise last week, I want to give you another simple tool today that will help you in listening to  your heart. How can this make a difference in your life? Most people don’t know what makes them happy. They grow up learning that...
Use Your Gifts to Change People’s Lives, Part 2

Use Your Gifts to Change People’s Lives, Part 2

How to Find Your Gifts and Passions The first step in using your natural talents is to find out what they are. For many this is easier said than done. How do you know when you are using your gifts? What does it feel like? And, what are gifts, or passions, anyway? Here...

Looking For a Job You Don’t Want to Find?

Impressions From A Job Fair   A few weeks ago I had a table at a local job fair with flyers, sign-up sheets for free career consultations and a cool little video-clip showing my career coaching in action. The response was amazing and I got to talk to people all...
Your Most Wonderful Gifts Are Hidden Inside You

Your Most Wonderful Gifts Are Hidden Inside You

Many people are unhappy.   Unhappy with a life unfulfilled, relationships devoid of love, and jobs that lack satisfaction. It’s an unhappiness that comes from deep within, from living a life that is untrue at the core. People tell me that they don’t...
What Lights You Up? How You Got Where You Are Now

What Lights You Up? How You Got Where You Are Now

Babies are full of light. Their whole being is brimming with aliveness, eyes shining with wonder, hearts filled with love. As babies, we follow our curiosity to explore the world around us. We may fall asleep on the floor regardless whether it is time for a nap or...