Do you dream to inspire? Live deeply fulfilling? Experience change that’ll alter you to the core of your being? Touch people from the heart? Be a transformational leader? Do you want to feel intimately connected to the people you love? To the planet?...
Life has the tendency to turn into sets of uninspired actions, namely routines. We are creatures of habit and while it’s soothing to know what’s down the road and around the next corner, there is the danger of over-comforting yourself and losing sight of...
On a day when I am crushed by the feeling of overwhelm and trying to relax the tight knot in my stomach, I stumble across Steth Godin’s new ebook: What Matters Now and find this entry: EASE “We are the strivingest people who have ever lived....
Today I want to share an inspirational thought with you by CoachVille CEO, Dave Buck: “The current economy is based on creating and selling STUFF in mass quantities to people who are thought of as ‘consumers’. Well, this model is crumbling because...