Much of how you navigate through life is determined by what you focus on. Let me explain. This morning I woke up in a perfectly happy state of mind. Thanks to the recent time change it was still early, the sun was shining, the Santa Ana winds were blowing warm air...
My youngest daughter loves going to school. For a few days, however, she came home rather quiet and mellow. When probing into it, she told me that her teacher had placed a boy next to her that kept teasing her. We talked about it and I took my time listening to her,...
Do you ever wonder if a life path is lined out for you and whether you are following it? It’s a question I am asking myself often. How do we make important decisions in our lives? What are the indicators that tell us when it’s time to change? What gives us...
A few days ago I picked up Deepak Chopra’s new book ‘The Ultimate Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment’ and I was delighted to find out that he dedicated one chapter to the practice of listening to your body. Most of us are masters...
“Hysteria is the dominant theme of our society today.” Deepak Chopra “People are afraid of change and yet the fact is that change is the most dominant theme of our civilization: We have more change in one day than we have in centuries in previous...