One of Life’s Little Secrets: Inspired Action

One of Life’s Little Secrets: Inspired Action

Life has the tendency to turn into sets of uninspired actions, namely routines. We are creatures of habit and while it’s soothing to know what’s down the road and around the next corner, there is the danger of over-comforting yourself and losing sight of...
Your Best Life Won’t Just Happen One Day …

Your Best Life Won’t Just Happen One Day …

I was reading an old article in Rolling Stone magazine about Steve Jobs the other day and was surprised to find out that from an early age on Steve was convinced that he would die young. It was something he talked about as early as 17 years old and it gave his life an...
What To Do When Fear Overwhelms You

What To Do When Fear Overwhelms You

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.” One of the strongest emotions and one that can stop you dead in your tracks is fear. Don’t get me wrong: Fear is a good thing. It is designed to save your life – when you are in real danger....

Is 2009 Going To Be Your Best Year Ever?

I just read Jim Connolly’s Marketing Blog, which is awesome. In his latest post, A New Year or the Same Old Year Over Again he says:   “For most businesses (and people, I might add), the first week in January is not the start of a New Year –...