Life is yummy and delicious if you let it. 
All too often we interfere and meddle with something that is already quite wonderful. We try to improve what we have. We compare our accomplishments with those of others. We measure our life’s satisfaction against other people’s achievements.
In the process, we simply forget to enjoy what’s naturally ours.
Take sleep for example. Did you know that you wake up with an improved brain after a good night’s sleep? Are you taking advantage of this fact? Do you delight in going to bed, cuddling under your silky-soft comforter in pajamas that make you feel warm and protected (or sexy and seductive – depending on the occasion)? Or is sleep an inconvenience for you, something you secretly wish you could do without – because your days are just not long enough?
It takes conscious awareness to revel in every moment of your life, enjoying not only what’s wonderful but savoring the mundane, the ordinary, and maybe even the uncomfortable moments.
A few days ago I caught a nasty head cold and it would have been easy to curse the heavens for my bad luck. Instead, I tried to enjoy it as best as I could. Yes, I did have stuff that needed to be completed and yes, I did feel groggy, had a headache, and my runny nose was driving me up the wall.
I surrendered. I laid in bed (which felt really good), I was pampered by my daughter (which felt even better), and my husband looked concerned and went on to make me hot soup (which I loved).
Take a look into your life and become aware of its beauty. Find the moments, the objects, the people, and the activities that enrich your days. Be grateful for your blessings: a beautiful environment to live in, close friends to spend time with, a delicious cup of tea in the morning, and strong legs to carry you around.
If this is hard for you, if you can’t seem to find anything that inspires and delights you, you’ve got some work to do. But, it’s good work. It is the work that will open your heart and bring back the joy and the pleasure of living a meaningful life.
How do you get there? Start with a few experiences (even just one) that you can distinguish as enjoyable. What do you look forward to throughout your day? What brings you pleasure? Notice the tiny moments that make you happy and if possible, expand on them. Indulge in the activities that enliven you, savor the moments that bring you joy – and make those moments last.
If 2015 is the year to come alive, what activities will help you on your quest? Share your experience with us, we’d love to find out what brings you ALIVE.
As always, thank you for reading,
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Photo Credit: sushi?ina via flickr under a creative commons license.