A few years ago, I visited my parents in Chile – a place they escape to for six months every year to avoid the cold German winters. It’s the country where my dad had grown up and where I went to high school in the 70s.

While visiting, I had the opportunity to talk to my aunts who are both well into their 70s and have lived full lives. “What advice can you give me,” I asked them, “on living a significant life?”

“Always do what makes you happy,” aunt Ilse replied. “Life is too short to spend on worries and fears. And besides, things always work out in the end.”

“You know those moments when an opportunity arises and you tell yourself, eh?” said aunt Grete. “Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Instead, say yes.”

I listened to an audiobook by Caroline Myss the other day and was reminded of my aunt’s advice. Caroline Myss calls it the capacity to say yes. “The power to create,” she says, “is a living discipline, a wheel, that’s always in motion. Creating with the divine is a constant internal dynamic.”

She takes it even further and claims that when we receive messages of inspiration, it’s the voice of our soul giving us guidance and that our best course of action is to follow it.


How Do You Recognize the Voice of Your Soul?

Have you ever waited for a big revelation, a clear sign from the universe to tell you that you are on the right path? What happened?

What we often fail to notice is that big aha moments rarely occur and that what truly shapes our lives are the subtle messages of our soul, the inconspicuous signs that guide us every minute of every day. And when we learn to read and follow those signs, our lives change in the most astonishing ways.

It can be as simple as paying attention to the seemingly minor activities that you keep putting off; stuff you really want to do, but somehow never get to. Maybe you wish to visit with a dear friend, clean out your linen closet, or start a morning practice.


Follow the Voice of Your Soul


Those messages come from your soul. Follow them. Start saying yes. Stop putting things off. Take a break, meet with your friend, take time for your kids, and delve into that mesmerizing novel. Life has the tendency to distract us from what’s really important. And in those moments when we don’t follow through, we get frustrated and worn out.

What if you knew for sure that listening to your soul leads to happiness, eternal bliss, and abundance? Would you follow it then?

There is only one way to find out.

That’s why my husband and I decided to say yes to the inspirations we received for one week. By the end of the week, we’d compare notes to see what happened. It was a new approach to dealing with opportunities that came our way. Instead of casting them off as irrelevant, we’d take immediate action.

Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder, said yes to her life for a full year. She actually took it a step further and said yes to all the things that terrified her. In her book Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person, she reveals how saying yes changed her life. It’s extraordinary.

So, if you think that saying yes to the subtle voice of your soul will have a positive impact on your life, I invite you to follow it for one week. See what happens.

Tell us about your revelations in the comments below. We’d love to find out how saying yes electrified your life!

As always, thank you for reading.



Want to share your ideas with me? Simply comment or write to me. I’d love to hear from you.

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And, if you’d like to work with me to discover the voice of your soul, consider participating in a one-on-one session – for women who want to find their gift, fall in love with themselves, and change the world.



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