Comments on: Sometimes You Just Gotta Jump. Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:44:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karin Sat, 07 Nov 2015 05:22:53 +0000 In reply to Danah.

Good for you, Danah!

Sounds like you took your time to make a sound and well grounded decision. I’ve had similar experiences with close friends criticizing the risks I have taken in my life. It was scary for them at the time to see me take the leap. Some of them got used to my boldness, others left. I have found that having well-meaning & encouraging support is crucial in times of change.

So good to hear that you are well and thriving! All the best of luck with your endeavors.
Love & light,

By: Karin Sat, 07 Nov 2015 05:21:52 +0000 In reply to Tatiana.

Wonderful, Tatiana! Let’s figure out what your next jump might be. It’s better with a team cheering you on 🙂
Much love,

By: Tatiana Sat, 07 Nov 2015 02:38:26 +0000 Karin, this was a great article. The choices are very appropriate to our level of trust and risk taking. Sitting on the towel and playing it safe prevents us from experiencing all that life could offer. Fear is really the name of the game here. Whether that fear is learned “cautiousness” from our parents or learned from failure, it has many names, but its still fear. If we (I) don’t look that fear in the face, it will always be the threatening bully on the way to keep up from learning.
The second option of contemplating moving forward or climbing back down is the worst one of all, in my opinion. We have to deal with our own sense of shame, guilt and failure and all the emotions of condemnation that come along with them. Most of the time other people don’t nearly condemn us as much as we condemn ourselves.
The third option to jump despite our fear is the best! It demonstrates our courage and willingness to try something new, even though its not been done before. One time when I went hiking with friends and my kids we came upon a 2-3 story waterfall that you had to rock climb to get to. My boys didn’t want to go. I was admiring the others before me and wasn’t going to let anything stop me. As I climbed I focused on getting to the top. Without hesitation I slipped off the edge, arrowed down into the water and felt the cold water envelop me in exhiliaration. Wow! Challenge accepted, experienced and given a sense of confidence and assurance.
Now I just need to know I can do that same plunge in other areas of my life too. Fear, who are you to bully me around?
